Gluten Free

Cherry Plum Chia Almond Smoothie Bowls
It’s here! I mean, we’re there! Well however you want to look at it, 2017 you guys, it’s gonna be a good one I can just feel it! Now that I’ve had a full week to get over my sadness that the Christmas season has to be over until next year and now that I’ve spent a few...

Butterbeer Ice Cream Floats with Coconut Caramel Ice Cream
Okay, you got me. Yep, I’m a Potter fan. Once upon a time, I enjoyed reading books. Of course, that was when I had tons of free time. These days, the thought of sitting down to a good book for hours and hours is a dim fantasy, and yet somehow it’s not as appealing as...

Homemade Peanut Butter Crunch Breakfast Cereal Puffs
Most of you know that my older sister is expecting her first baby very soon. She is 9 months pregnant so Ryder could come anytime now. My whole family is so excited to have a baby in the family and I still can’t believe that I’m going to be an aunt. It’s completely...

Chocolate Chip White Bean Blender Blondies
I’m so excited that we’re now counting down the days until Autumn officially begins! Who’s with me??? Well, okay quite honestly I am torn between excitement and a little bit of sadness to see Summer ending but that is quickly forgotten every time I think about all of...

5-Ingredient S’mores Puff Pastry Pop-Tarts
Considering the fact that they’re s’mores flavored you can probably guess what at least 3 of those ingredients are. Yep, we’re taking the pieces that make up a great s’more and stuffing them into puff pastry for a really simple treat that will convince everyone you...

No-Bake Raw Vegan Snickers Bars
So let’s talk about legendary recipes. I’d say most families have them. Whether it’s grandma’s famous pie recipe passed down from generation to generation, dad’s special lasagna, or your uncle’s secret sauce recipe. It’s funny how the really good ones have a way of...

Carne Asada Breakfast Burritos
It’s just another normal day of the week but today there are burritos involved! I realize that I haven’t done a taco tuesday in a while. I guess they sort of fell off the radar a little bit between traveling, family stuff, keeping up with blogging, and just the...

Goji Berry Banana Chia Breakfast Jars
So we finally had an almost sunny day yesterday and I’m so hopeful that it means all the Spring feels are finally going to start soon. Honestly, can we just get a little sunshine around here??? Well the weather is making me really miss the flowers. That was actually...

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean Mini Loaves
And here I am again displaying my obsession for both chocolate AND coffee. I’m updating my life motto to “When life gives you some chocolate covered espresso beans, a cute little loaf pan you rarely use, and a chocolate craving, you make a recipe out of it!” Too long,...